0484 2425275, 0484 2422160
Kakkanad, Kerala

Individualized Education Program

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Neuro Developmental Therapy (NDT)

Neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) is a hands-on treatment approach used by physical therapists OR occupational therapists. NDT was developed to enhance the function of adults and children who have difficulty in controlling movement as a result of neurological challenges, such as cerebral palsy, stroke, and head injury.

Benefits of NDT

  • Improves functional movements and encourages proper posture for day-to-day activities as a way to prevent further deterioration of movement.
  • Uses key points of control to enhance and improve movement and mobility.
  • Helps individuals with cerebral palsy by improving posture control and movement when working against gravity.
  • Improves cortical reorganisation to benefit an individual’s quality of life and engagement in social activities.

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