Occupational Therapy & Sensory Integration
An Occupational therapist evaluates the child to know which domain impacts the child's ADL like sensory, gross or fine motor, social skills, play skills, communication and interaction skills, cognitive skills. Based on the detailed evaluation, Occupational therapist set a goal to achieve maximum independence.
Sensory integration therapy is to reduce the impacts of sensory issues like low registration, sensory seeking and sensory avoidance.
- OT is helpful for ADL Training ( toilting , self feeding,etc)
- Ot also helps children with poor hand writing skills
- Ot also helps children to achieve age appropriate gross or fine motor skills, play skills and social skills
- Ot helps children with a variety of conditions including ASD, ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Global Develpmental Delay, Cerebral Palsy, Seizures, Intellectual Disabillity